The Program of Knowing Bros대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-07 17:47:43

Many students enjoy watching Knowing Bros. Have you ever watched it? In modern society, the program of Knowing Bros is empathic and brilliant to many students.
One of the reasons why the students like the program are the characters in Knowing Bros. They are Kang Ho-dong, Lee Su-gun, Seo Jang-hun, Lee Sang-min, Kim Yeong-chul, Min Gyeong-hun and Kim Hee-chul. Some are comedians. Others are singers, and another one is an athlete. There are also transfer students. The transfer students are always different.

▲ It is a poster of Knowing Bros.

The program's contents are empathic and brilliant. First, the program is empathic because it is very similar in school life, so students like this. Also, other programs do not have these contents. There is first class and second class. In the first class, the transferees do self-introduction and take a quiz. The second class is different from the transferees' job. The first ratings were bad, but it became better.

▲ The transferees of Redvelvet are coming to Knowing Bros. It is 84 volta.

There are famous words in Knowing Bros. Students like to use them. "Compliment" is made by Kang Ho-dong. He made it from Wendy's praise. Also, "You are not my father" is made by Min Kyeong-hun by the second class of the drama.
The program of Knowing Bros is not only trendy but also empathic of school life, has famous characters, and brilliant contents. The program will be broadcasting the 122 volta on April 7, and the transferee is Wanna One. It seems to be more famous in the future.


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