The specialty of Seo Girls‘ Middle School aerobic competition대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-25 12:40:22

Have you ever seen an aerobic competition? The aerobic competition, which is held in Seo Girls' Middle school, is a traditional event of Seo Girls' Middle School. It started in 1994, and all the students of the school have participated in the competition for 24 years. Also, it is held in a large outdoor stadium.

To hold the competition, students and teachers should prepare hard. Students should pick one song and practice hard. Also, teachers should rent the outdoor stadium and help students make the performance and practice. Na Young Kim, a student of the school, said that was really tiring because my ideas and my friends' ideas were different. However, it was a good chance to become close with her friend and cultivate the power of understanding. She also expressed that she did not know about the school and competition, but because of that chance, she was able to know about the school's history and competition.

▲ This is the picture of the aerobic competition.
From the process of preparing this competition, there are some pros and cons. It can be a good chance for students to know new friends and improve cooperation in classes. Also, they can get close to each other. On the other hand, they can fight sometimes, because they can have a disagreement. So, some students do not want to do this competition.

There are some opinions about the aerobic competition. However, there are more voices that this can be a good chance for the students to become close and cultivate the power of understanding for friends. So, it seems that it will be continued for years.

▲ The students are performing on the stage.


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