Crazy Hair day대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-25 12:39:50

Does your school have any special school events? I found a very special school event in the United States. There are so many school events. However, I found a very special school event. It is "Crazy Hair Day". It is a school event where students wear a very strange and odd hairstyle.

First of all, there are many kinds of hairstyles. For example, you can put a sticker on your head and dye your hair by using a color hairspray. You do not have to worry because your hair will not be damaged by this hairspray. Also, you can plait, perm, and place an absurd object on your hair.

Next, this school event is held once a year, and teachers also participate in this event. The merit of this school event is to increase creativity by using a lot of creative ways. Increasing creativity is good for students. Students may also be interested in the event and participate in it actively, so they can develop their ability to combine and compete on who is more unusual.

I believe that this school event is very specific. It is a very special and unusual event. Therefore, I believe this school event is the most unusual event in the world. I would also like to take part in this event. I would like to have a special school event in my school like this one, and it will be very interesting. How about you?

▲ Teachers also join ˝Crazy Hair Day˝.
▲ Best Crazy Hair


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