Haksung Girls Middle School Host Memorable Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-25 13:39:02

Have you ever been to another school festival? Each school holds a festival with a unique feature. Haksung Girls Middle School holds a memorable festival. The reason why the festival at Haksung girls Middle school is memorable -is they hold it in the school gymnasium which is so big that all students can enter. Our festival's MC is a student of Haksung Girls Middle School. It means that the students can pass the last grade in school, and it will become easier to communicate with the MC who is a student of our school.

▲ Haksung girls middle school

Yubin and Minji, members of school dance club, said that is good that students and teachers enjoy, participate and learn more about each other. Last year, the school foreign teacher danced with their dance club. Their dance club did not forget that experience. When dance clubs dance altogether and sing along together, it seems that the school is one! They feel great, and they want dance quickly in the school festival! Other students also wait for this school festival because they can cooperate with their friends and enjoy booths with their teachers. However, some students are not careful, so some are hurt.

▲ Festival of Haksung girls middle school

This festival can give good memories to our students. Also, we can end the last grade in school. I believe this year's festival will be very memorable to third-grade students because they will graduate in this year.


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