Free Semester of Sinjung대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-25 12:18:04

▲ This is Sinjung middle school.

Have you ever experienced having school days without tests? That usually happens un-Free Semester. Free Semester is the time of founding a career and aptitude, and you do not have a test. In Sinjung, it started on August 25, 2015.
In Free Semester in Sinjung, there are many activities. There are different activities in each day. On Tuesday, there is a sports club, and there are sports to play such as soccer, basketball, table tennis, and many more. On Thursday, there are career exploration clubs. Some of them are blue press corps, cinema club, and other things that can explore different careers. On Friday, there is a subject club, English UCC club, and scientific experiment club. Through these clubs, we can learn more about the subjects that we have interest. To sum up, in free semester there are many activities which help to find careers.
So, there are different opinions of students regarding this Free Semester program. First, there was a student that I interviewed. He said that the Free Semester can help to find a career and aptitude. Also, in this program, we do not have tests, so our worries will disappear. On the other hand, there was a student who said that in Free Semester, students cannot concentrate in class, and it is too short to find a career and aptitude.
To sum up, there is Free Semester that gives us time to find our career and aptitude. However, there are people who agree and disagree with it. The conflict remains, but most students are waiting for the Free Semester.


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