Aerobic Contest of Ulsan Seo Girls Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-25 12:16:50
  • 수정 2018-05-25 12:19:22

There are a lot of events in most Korean schools such as field study, school trip, retreat and sports day. In Ulsan Seo Girls Middle School, however, there is a special event, an aerobic contest. This aerobic contest is only in Seo Girls Middle School, and it has been held since 1995. Its aim is getting to know one another, making teamwork and cooperating with new classmates. It is divided into the creation of choreography, schematic diagram evaluation, practice, middle evaluation and final contest. All classes in Seo Girls Middle School create their choreography, adjusting the K-pop song they selected. Then, they make a schematic diagram which is 10 points, practice in physical education class for middle evaluation which is 30 points, and have the final evaluation which it is 60 points. In the final evaluation, which is held on the second Friday of April, all students and teachers wear their class's clothes and come together at Munsu Lake Plaza. On that day, they perform aerobic choreography and enjoy dance time. As a result, the top three classes with the highest score get a prize.

Yewon Kim, a second-grade student in Seo Girls Middle School said that "The early part of the new school year, most of the students do not know each other well. However, they can make cooperation and teamwork in the aerobic contest. Sometimes, some students fight because of discord of opinions, but they reconcile soon and create incredible choreography. Therefore, this aerobic contest is great for students, and it is also very enjoyable, so they love it so much."

Unlike other schools, because Ulsan Seo Girls Middle School holds one more special event, there are plenty of advantages and disadvantages. While other schools give students about ten volunteer hours, Seo Girls Middle School gives students about 13 volunteer hours because of the aerobic contest. Also, the expense of holding the contest and buying classes' clothes is huge.

This aerobic contest is great to students to get to know one another, and enjoyable. Also, there are many advantages. However, there are some disadvantages about the expense. Nevertheless, the aerobic contest of Ulsan Seo Girls Middle School will be continued to form great relationship among the students.

▲ On the final evaluation day in 2018, the three classes in the third grade performed their choreography at Munsu Lake Plaza.


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