South Korean and North Korea Establish the First Hotline Between Leaders대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-30 16:31:14

▲ First direct hotline between the two states of Korea will be install this week.

The two states of Korea are set to hold talks this week to install what will be the first direct hotline between their leaders, who are set to hold their first meeting in person later in the month, officials from the presidential office Cheong Wa Dae said on Friday. Last 7th, during a working-level meeting between the two states of Korea held at the North Korean Unification Center on Friday, the two states discussed major issues over setting up a hotline between the leaders of South Korea and North Korea. It is expected that the two sides will hold additional talks later this week to discuss what they failed to agree on. Jung Eui Yong, senior presidential secretary for national security, said in a press statement after his visit to North Korea on June 6 that South and North Korea agreed to establish a hotline between the leaders of the two states of Korea for the sake of defusing military tensions and close discussions.

▲ If the hotline is established, they can always communicate when they need.

If the hotline is established between Moon and Kim, they can always communicate when they need, so it can bring innovative change that they can discuss the two states of Korea's important issues without a personal meeting. Of course, it can play a vital role in preventing and settling any contingency that may occur during the inter-Korean standoff.

According to Ministry of Unification, the hotline between North and South Korea existed before, but it was mostly intended for the use of their militaries and intelligence offices. President Moon Jae In said that we need to resume dialogue with North, and South Korea and North Korea, the dialogue will start this year when North Korea decided, at the last minute, to take part in the Pyeong Chang Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games held here.

▲ North Korean cheering squad is practicing to wave the Korean Peninsula Flag.

Cheong Wa Dae has examined to connect directly to the president and Kim Jong Un, North Korea has been reviewing the planned hotline, where it will be installed on notice. If the hotline is established at the leader's office, the channel will be opened for discussion. America and the Soviet Union also established a hotline during the Cold War.

Apr. 8th, by Pyo Seung Hee


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