One of the Best Korean TV Shows, \"Infinite Challenge\"대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-30 14:54:58

In Korea, the most famous TV show is maybe "Infinite Challenge". Many people, young or old, like it. Much to people's regret, it was ended on March 31, 2018. The main director of this show, Kim Tae-ho, said that he was always afraid of the next week. Moreover, he said he was worn out, depleted of creative ideas and need of refreshment.

"Infinite Challenge" started on April 23, 2005, as a section of the TV program, "Saturday". After that, on October 29, 2005, it began as a regular sketch on the weekend variety show, "Highly Recommended Saturday". It had good reactions from the public, so it became a regular program on May 6, 2006, as the first variety TV show in Korea. It stood up for 13 years as the Korean main variety show and ended on March 31, 2018. The total number of episodes of this program production is 563. It was such a long time for a Korean variety program.

There were many hardships in the program, "Infinite Challenge", but they overcame them well. One of the most serious problems is the change of members. The first member, Haha, stepped out from this program because of his military service. Then, Jeon Jin entered the program. After that, Gill entered the program, too. Not so long, Jeon Jin stepped out because of his military service, and Haha came back from the military. Gill left the program because of drunk driving. In addition, Noh Hong-chul left the program with the same problem with Gill. With the Sixth Man project, a new member, Hwang Kwanghee, entered the program. Jeong Hyeong-don got off the program because of his health problem. Yang Se Hyung entered naturally, and Hwang Kwanghee went to the military. Finally, Jo Se-ho entered, and he remained until the program was finished. The changes in the members of "Infinite Challenge" were so complicated, but the public cheered for them continuously.

The variety program, "Infinite Challenge", had some problems in their members, but they overcame it well with viewers. Although it was finished, it is always in people's heart. Thank you to the program because every Saturday, it had made people laugh.

By Kim Seojin


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