Pilot, Flying in the Sky대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-06 15:41:55

These days, the use of airplanes is increasing due to overseas travel. Incheon Airport, the nation`s largest airport, also has a growing occupancy rate. In particular, the event marked its climax on the closing day of the Pyeongchang Olympics with a total of 214,400 people using Incheon Airport.

▲ Pilots who are maneuver the airplane.

A pilot is a person who takes the responsibility for the lives and safety of the passengers. A pilot is a person who controls the flight so that it can safely reach its destination at the set time. Pilots also do an aerial survey and test flight. They apprehend the meteorological condition and aircraft status, too. Not only that, they fly safely while communicating with the control tower. Then, they take control of the crew.

There are four ways to be a pilot. The first way to be a pilot is to graduate from the Air Force Academy, which is established to train elite military officers. After graduation, aspiring pilots have to finish their mandatory service for more than ten years and then joining a private airline. Second, students have to enter a school, whose name is Korea Aerospace University or enter a Department of Operation. Then, students must receive basic flight training when they are in the 3rd grade. After they do a mandatory service in the army, they can be a pilot. Third, students need to be selected as Air Force pilot scholarship students after their college years. Fourth, students should obtain a license of a business pilot.

There are many abilities required to become a pilot. A pilot must see complex instrument panels easily and apprehend much information. They also need high concentration. Physical strength and the ability to speak a foreign language are essential. Because pilots have to respond quickly and make decisions quickly, they need to have good problem-solving skills and space perception.

As the aircraft occupancy has increased, the demand for pilots is increasing. Not only this, more airlines and the development of new routes are making the growth of pilots necessarily. It would be a good idea to try being a pilot, which is a promising future job.


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