Welcome to the Web Comic World!대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-27 16:58:59

▲ Jo seok ˝Sound of mind˝

Today, many people see a variety of kinds of web comic. Web comic can make people happy. Also, it can create sympathy between all people. In Korea, there are many famous web comic artists. Some of them are, Jo Seok "Sound of mind" and Jeon Soen Uk of "Free draw". These web comics are the most famous online.

To become a web comic artist, you should have a tablet, pen, mouse and scanner. If you want to become a web comic artist, you have to go to an animation high school, get a major in animation or you go to an animation academy. Also, a web comic designer uses a computer program, so you need to learn that program. However, the best thing is to participate in Best Challenge online. It is a program for people who want to become web comic artists. If you win the first prize, you will have a chance to publish your work. You need to be creative and have good skills in drawing. Many people like enjoyable and original stories. Then, if you can make one, you will be famous. You need to read many books and collect information.

However, many web comic artists have many difficult problems. There are many unknown web comic artists which is stressful. You have to practice hard and be patient, for you to be the best web comic designer. In another case, web comic designers are stressed because of the lack of ideas. Then, their eyes are harmed because they have to sit for a very long time.

May people think that becoming a web comic artist is easy. However, there is no job that is easy to achieve in the world. Today, many people are competing to become web comic artist. If you want to become a web comic artist, you should give all your effort in drawing comics.


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